ArcticGRO data are free to use by anyone for any purpose. We only ask that you credit ArcticGRO so that we can track data use. Citation formats are suggested below. Metadata are available in a single comprehensive document.
Data are frequently updated. Each time a dataset is updated, the previous version is archived and the new version is given a new Version code. The Version code is based on date, formatted as YYYYMMDD.
To ensure the accessibility and discoverability of the samples that ArcticGRO collects, we have started assigning IGSN Global Sample Numbers through the System for Earth and Extraterrestrial Sample Registration (SESAR²). ArcticGRO collection can be found here.
Access the Datasets
Suggested Citation Formats
ArcticGRO Water Quality Dataset
The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory. 2024. Water Quality Dataset, Version YYYYMMDD. https://www.arcticgreatrivers.org/data
ArcticGRO Absorbance Dataset
The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory. 2024. Absorbance Dataset, Version YYYYMMDD. https://www.arcticrivers.org/data
ArcticGRO Discharge Dataset
The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory. 2024. Discharge Dataset, Version YYYYMMDD. https://www.arcticrivers.org/data
ArcticGRO Spatial Dataset
Holmes, R. M., Coe, M. T., Fiske, G. J., Gurtovaya, T., McClelland, J. W., Shiklomanov, A. I., Spencer, R. G. M., Tank, S. E., & Zhulidov, A. V. (2012). Climate Change Impacts on the Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of Arctic Rivers. In Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters (pp. 1–26). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118470596.ch1