New Data Formats
Along with our new website, we are also rolling out new formats for ArcticGRO data. Three datasets are presented: ArcticGRO Water Quality Dataset, ArcticGRO Absorbance Dataset, and ArcticGRO Discharge Dataset. All datasets are now presented as downloadable Google Sheets, with links to the other datasets and metadata at the top of each page.
For the primary dataset (ArcticGRO Water Quality Dataset), instead of a multipage Excel spreadsheet where the different phases of the project (PARTNERS, ArcticGRO I, ArcticGRO II, ArcticGRO III) are treated separately, now the different phases are merged and all water quality data for a single river are presented on a single page.
The Absorbance Dataset is arranged similarly. That is, there is a six page Google Sheet, with all data for a given river (all phases of the project) appearing on a single page.
For Discharge, all data for all rivers appear on a single-paged Google Sheet.
All three datasets will be updated frequently, and each revision will receive a new version code. Previous versions will be archived and will be publicly available.
We expect that these new formats will make ArcticGRO data easier to use and therefore will facilitate synthesis. Please let us know what you think!